歡迎您訪問河北百展工程咨詢有限公司 電話(huà) / Tel:0311-87039636 郵箱 / E-Mail:hengxinzixun@163.com


自項目策劃起,至項目轉固、審計結束止,爲建設項目投資控制、造價管理(lǐ)提供全過程的(de)控制、管理(lǐ)依據。主要包括但不限于:前期決策階段的(de)投資估算(suàn)編制/審核和(hé)項目成本測算(suàn)審核、設計階段的(de)初步設計概算(suàn)編制/審核、招标階段的(de)工程量清單編制/審核和(hé)招标控制價編制/審核以及複核投标工程量清單、施工階段的(de)工程進度款審核和(hé)變更洽商費用(yòng)審核以及材料設備詢價、竣工驗收階段的(de)竣工結算(suàn)編制/審核和(hé)竣工決算(suàn)編制/審核等。把握住每一個(gè)環節使工程成本的(de)控制與管理(lǐ)達到最佳效果,使業主達到最終目标利益的(de)最大(dà)化(huà)。 在專業性強的(de)項目中,專業水(shuǐ)平要求高(gāo),投資控制難度較大(dà),我公司在實際工作中,都從省内或國内聘請行業權威專家,爲業主提供咨詢服務,真正的(de)滿足工程的(de)實際需要。 





Business Introduction

From project planning to project completion and audit, we provide comprehensive control and management based on investment control and cost management for construction projects. This includes, but is not limited to, the preparation and review of investment estimates and project cost calculations during the early decision-making phase, preparation and review of preliminary design estimates during the design phase, preparation and review of engineering quantity lists and tender control price during the tendering phase, as well as review of tendered engineering quantity lists, audit of progress payments during the construction phase, negotiation of change-related expenses, material and equipment pricing, preparation and review of final completion settlement, and preparation and review of final completion accounts. By grasping each step, we aim to achieve optimal control and management of project costs and maximize the interests of the project owner. In highly specialized projects that require high professional standards and face difficulties in investment control, our company hires industry experts from within the province or across the country to provide consulting services to meet the actual needs of the project.

Service Process

Our company has a strict three-level review system to ensure the quality of our work. This includes detailed three-level reviews conducted by project managers, department managers, and the chief engineer of the company for all cost consulting business process documents, including the accuracy of quantity calculation draft files, the reliability of material market price inquiry documents, compliance of quantity lists with specifications, consistency of lists with column prices, accuracy and reasonableness of various rate calculations, etc. The process generates a "Cost Consulting Business Review Form." Adjustments are made by professionals in response to the review questions, and after completion, the results are communicated in detail to the project owner and submitted in a final report. The entire process is closely linked, smooth, rigorous, and standardized, effectively ensuring the quality of cost consulting results.

To accurately grasp the market prices of various materials, we have joined multiple websites such as "China Construction Materials Price Online Network," "Hebei Province Engineering Cost Information Network," and "Shijiazhuang Engineering Cost Information Network." Leveraging our bidding company platform, we have compiled and summarized valuable engineering cost information from various bidding projects we represent. We have established comprehensive databases for various types of project costs and dynamic building material price databases. From the bidding documents of various projects, we extract first-hand material prices that are closest to market information, enabling us to have a better understanding of the actual consumption of materials and equipment in the project, and providing accurate basic data to ensure the integrity and accuracy of cost results.